Under GDPR regulations, Almenra relies on the following legal grounds to process candidate’s personal data:

(a)  Performing a contract – in order to perform our obligations under a contract with clients and candidates, for example where clients contract for services and candidates accepting our terms and conditions. Or in respect of prospective clients or candidates to take steps that would be necessary in order to enter into a contract with us. 

(b)  Compliance with a legal obligation – where we need to process your personal data to comply with legal or regulatory obligations.

(c)  Our legitimate interests or those of a third party – including:

  • responding to your requests and enquiries (the legitimate interest of the Companies in this case is to maintain a constant and updated communication with clients and candidates, which is part of any commercial relationship);
  • optimising the performance of our website and user experience;
  • contacting prospect clients in order to establish commercial relationships with clients (the legitimate interest of Page is to maintain relations of any kind with the company where the contact person works).
  • informing you about our services, job opportunities, industry reports and insights, events, promotions and competitions (the legitimate interest of Page is to inform clients and candidates about similar services and products) and;
  • providing satisfaction surveys of our services.

We have performed a legitimate interest assessment in order to confirm that our interests are not overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms, you can ask for this assessment using the contact details below.

(d) Consent In some circumstances, we will ask for your consent to process your personal data. For example, if you register for a job, we will offer you the possibility of registering for similar job alerts, or when we run talent trends surveys. To the extent that we are processing your personal data based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.  Please contact us, if you would like to withdraw your consent.